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Bible Study
9:45am - 10:30am
10:45am - 12:00pm

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7:00pm - 8:00pm


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March 24, 2023



Dear Friends Of Rockwood,


March has come in like a bear, not a like a lion as the saying goes; it has come in more like a polar bear. I guess we can still hope it goes out like a lamb. 


Phyllis and I watched our poor Magnolia tree blossoms wilt into cocoon liking nodules.  Well, that is the way our Springs often begin.  We enjoyed our stay at Pierre Marquette and were so blessed with the wonderful reception Lydia and Mike put on for us for our 50th Wedding Anniversary.  Thank you all for the cards, gifts, comments, and support that you shared with us, we treasure you love and friendship very much.  The highlight was probably Bailey’s interviews with Grandma and Grandpa about how we got this far together.


Last week Phyllis and I enjoyed the long-awaited opportunity for complete family pictures.  We had tried to make this happen when the COVID pandemic redirected our scheduling.  That was a blessing in disguise, because we were able to include our two newest members, Emory and Elaine, who have introduced our fourth generation.  God has so blessed our family and I know a big part of the reason is the impact and environment of our Church Family at Rockwood.


Well, Easter is around the corner, and we hope you are planning to join us as we celebrate.  We are planning to have two services again this year on Easter Sunday.  We will have our Sunrise Service at 8:00am followed by a fellowship breakfast in the church basement around 9:00am.  There will not be a Sunday School time following the breakfast and we will move right into the morning worship at 10:30am. The best time all year to share Christ and  ask family and friends to join you for church is Passion Week.


We have a couple more special blessings coming up in April this year.  On April 16th we are going to have Obadiah return to Rockwood to share the progress of Brookes Bible College and bring us a new challenge from the Word.  Then on the following Sunday we will have Susan Haake, a leader with the student outreach program at SEMO come and share a Spotlight on this ministry before our regular morning service.


For Our Men:  We will continue our study on “Disciplines of A Godly Man” On Thursdays.


For Our Women:  We are looking to have a fellowship start up meeting.


For Our Young Ones:  We are promoting Camp Sunago coming up July 24-28.


“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”


Serving With Much Joy,



Pastor Pete


Pastor Charles “Pete” Patton    2425 Glencoe Rd, Wildwood, MO 63038

© 2023 Rockwood Bible Church
2425 Glencoe Rd. Wildwood MO 63038